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What You Don’t Get About the Election

By Anonymous

Hahaha. I bet a lot of you liberal college students in your liberal bubble think Sleepy Joe (that’s what Trump calls Joe Biden LMAO) won the 2020 presidential election. Oh hahaha. You don’t know just how stupid you look. Just because the Lamestream Media “called” the election for Sleepy Joe doesn’t mean he won. The media doesn’t decide who wins the election; the President does. And the President, our Lord and Savior Dr. Donald John Trump, has spoken. He won this election BY A LOT! Without further ado, allow me to explain to you exactly how the Corrupt Dems STOLE the election from King Trump.

1. Social media censors the opinions of conservatives

Now I’m a firm believer in the free market and the rights of corporations, but I draw the line at corporations doing things that I don’t like. Ever wonder why Fascist Twitter marks so many of Trump’s tweets as misinformation but they NEVER give the same cruel punishment to Joe Biden? They just hate conservatives and they need to suppress thought crimes to maintain their liberal regime. I’m also pretty sure they keep people from interacting with tweets made by conservatives because I haven’t been getting any likes.

2. Most Biden voters are dead people

If you checked the names of everyone who voted by mail, you would learn that everyone who voted by mail is dead. How do the Corrupt Dems and the Failing New York Times explain that one? Even harder to explain, everyone who voted for Biden in person was also dead. I saw it with my own two eyes! Thousands of people in line and they were all skeletons! What the hell?!

3. They’re finding Biden votes wherever they can

In all 50 states, they’re finding tens of thousands and sometimes millions of ballots voting for Joe Biden in these suspicious envelopes stamped and postmarked prior to election day. You’re telling me that all these envelopes just mysteriously arrived at polling places in every state in the country? Yeah right.

4. Mail votes counted last

I keep hearing that states count mail votes last. So just because I am a mail my vote is counted last? Femail votes get counted before any mail gets to vote? Am I the only person who has a huge problem with this? SO TYPICAL of the reverse SEXISM of politically correct, socialist America in 2020.

5. Why would anyone vote for Joe Biden?

There’s simply no way (NO WAY) Biden won the most votes of any presidential candidate ever because there’s not a single reason to vote for him. What happened over the past four years that could convince more than 75 million Americans to vote for Joe Biden? Did things get worse under Trump? Was there some horrible catastrophe? Liberalism is truly a disease that has spread to millions of people.

And how is Joe Biden better than Donald Trump? Is he wiser and more intelligent? More competent and experienced? More empathetic and moral? More selfless and respectable? Has he promised to help Americans where Trump has failed miserably? I literally can’t think of a SINGLE WAY that Joe Biden is better than Donald Trump.

6. Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Nobody’s ever seen it but it’s out there somewhere.

7. I’m not in a liberal bubble like all of you.

Sure, I go to this dumb, liberal, snowflakey college, but I’m in touch with what the working man wants. I’ve met some of the poor people who work for my dad and I assume they’re republicans because they drive trucks. The working man doesn’t want a president who will give socialist handouts to the lazy; he wants a president who will give tax cuts to corporations like my dad’s.

Yeah, the “popular vote” makes it look like most people want Biden, but it’s rigged. Go and talk to any REAL American and you’ll see the truth is that we all want President Trump. (Real Americans are white people with five-bedroom houses and Confederate flags.)

So anyway, that’s the deal. If you still disagree after all that PROOF, it’s obvious that you’ve been brainwashed by the liberal media coastal elites. Unlike me, who only believes things I myself came up with and can never be brainwashed. No matter what you say, I’ll never believe any of it unless it came from me or MY President. Hope you enjoy pretending your guy is the president. Just know the person America REALLY voted for will be in the White House next year…

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