
Tufts Disorientation

“Indoctrination” would be a much more accurate way to describe orientation – welcome to the Cult of Kumar! These past days, no doubt, you have been hammered over the head with Tufts propaganda: “Go Jumbos!”, “Founded in 1852”, “The US did not invade Kuwait”. 

But my dear friend– you’ve been duped! 

You might not know it yet, but the Tufts administration is more shadow than “light on the hill”. 

It’s not talked about, but the Tufts medical school performed a forced appendectomy on Helen Keller back in 1925 just to see what would happen. They killed Micheal Bublé, and they perpetrated 5 Gambian coups. 

You won’t read about it in admission materials, but we invaded Iraq, Iran, and Saskatetchwan during the Bush administration to give IR professors more material. It was, in fact, a 3rd year Jumbo who opened up the gates of Constantinople to the Ottomans in the 15th century!!! Talk to David J. Proctor about it, he’ll fill you in. Mussolini lived in Hill Hall and a SMFA student designed the Fascist Party’s symbol.  Bill Cosby spoke at graduation ( Like actually. Look it up). And this is all the information you can find if you just barely peek under the surface. Say, have you heard of Hollow Hill Theory?….