What Happened to Tony Monaco Issue

7 Best Places to Spot Tony Monaco’s Ghost

By Joe Bush

1.  Classic – Gifford house: A few students have seen Tony hovering in the Gifford House garden. One student claims that they saw him “hiding among the pansies in his old Gumby costume.”

2.  In the Dewick Line: Sometimes ghosts get hungry too (or maybe they just miss the idea of eating)the food service workers have had a few scares with Tony trying to get into Dewick.

3.  Campus Center: Tony’s ghost loves to float through the floors of the CC to startle any students playing a ping-pong tournament or make the Hotung snobs spill coffee on themselves.

4.  The Mail Room: On rare occasions, Tony’s ghost can be seen in the mail room, rummaging through first-year care packages. Maybe that’s why the line is so long?

5.  Smooching the acorn head outside Eaton: You can usually spot Tony’s ghost still giving his daily french kiss to the acorn head statue outside Eaton around 5pm.

6.  Tisch Basement: There have been sightings of Tony in the basement of the library singing to Jumbo’s ashesit’s believed that he starts singing around 5:30pm, after his smooch with an acorn head. Some students say he’s singing Soulja Boy’s “Rick and Morty” while others claim he’s actually trying to bring Jumbo back to life.

7.  The Mods: Apparently, Tony loves the modshe often whooshes up and down the shared hallways, screaming at the top of his lungs.