
Disney to Open New Adult Theme Park

(Burbank, Calif.) Bob Iger, CEO of the Walt Disney Company, announced last week in a press release that the entertainment giant will open an adult-centered theme park in Atlantic City, NJ, by 2018.

Looking to reach what Iger described as an “untapped consumer base,” the new theme park will, in a similar fashion to the company’s “Disney World” and “Disneyland” ventures, include a resort hotel, a wide assortment of food, and special park attractions, all themed around Disney’s various movie productions. “We designed the new park to appeal more to the adult community. We figured that kids have been dragging their parents to our movies long enough that the parents should have some fun with them as well,” Iger said.

A brief press-only preview of the park unveiled some of the new adult- and parent-centered attractions, including the “Monsters, Ink” tattoo parlor, the “Pilates of the Caribbean” fitness center, and the “101 Crustaceans” gourmet restaurant.

The press was introduced to the park’s new mascots, who, similar to those in the child-centered theme parks, will pose for pictures, sign autographs, and work long, unforgiving hours for little pay. We were able to get in touch with one such mascot, Peter the Panhandler, to get an inside peek at the theme park. “It’s really not too different from my last gig with Disney in Orlando,” said the mascot. “The only difference is that the employees here get access to the bar. Makes the job a lot more interesting.” Mr. Pan was later seen outside the press release making goofy jokes and posing for cameras in his ‘magical-hobo’ themed costume, complete with a half-empty flask of whiskey.

Iger ended the announcement by announcing plans to also launch a retiree-themed park in Sarasota, FL. Disney Hills is set to open in in 2024.