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Complaint to manager at movie theatre

By Beth Anne Phetamine


Hi, mr manger. I am writing toyou because I am mad. Im am mad because i did not enjoly my time at movike theater. . You showed us a movie at the movie thatre. I did not enjoy the movie buecaus the screen was so big i didntot know wher to look. Youer imax screen is so big i did not know where to,look. I think it is brolken  becaudse it is so big. I think yor screen should play basketball becasue its is so big (hahah). you’re*

I went to thed movie iwith my frikend nicholas. Nickolas left eorly because he did not like the movi3. The movei was abolut swimming with doolphins. 

You should make bettor moveis. Im am allorginc to dolphins.

Nikolas makes movie. You should buy hims movies. He spdens so many hourds every day filming pidgeons at the park. Nichpolas also steals dogs, but If anyolne asks, I dindot tell you.

I am worrkided about my fremd nickolas. He. h. He works at the post office, whetre he makes mail. He is very good at his job, I think he shuold get a promortion. His bosss donesnt like him. His boss says he keeps bringing in too much dead lizzards into work. I say “Let the man enjoly his hobbies! Ahah”. Nikcols shouold stop; killing lizzords though. He’s like a cat. Hereres a cat drowring.

Anyweas. Plesa fix youoryourorouoyroryuoyrrouroyouryouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouryouryouryouyrouyrouyrouyrouyrouryouryouryouryouryouryouryouyrouryouryouryoruyoruyoruyoruyour screen. 


Sory i took a nap in the scrrenn

Thank you.
