Fun & Games

King Ferdinand’s Cup: Everyone’s Favorite Spanish Inquisition Drinking Game

This drinking game was discovered in a priest’s sarcophagus, thought by historians to be a pastime for Crusaders whilst torturing untouchables. However, the game has been adapted so it can be played at popular party schools, such as Tufts. The rules are fun and casual, and the game can be played at your favorite place on campus, i.e. the Lax House basement. The game begins with a cordial round of body shots off the nearest Roman Catholic, but if you can’t find one, a confused freshman will suffice.

The rules are as follows:

  • Take a sip from the mystery punch each time Smash Mouth’s “I’m a Believer” is played.
  • Keg stand when waterboarding is referred to as “pain for amateurs.”
  • Sacramental wine is divided amongst players every time a torture device is adopted by the BDSM subculture.
  • Anyone born in February takes a shot of infidel blood during beheadings.
  • Torturers take a tequila shot every time information is revealed.
  • Torturers also take a shot when information is not revealed, cause ay, why not?
  • Seven minutes of heaven, but instead of heaven, it’s brutal interrogation tactics.
  • All players take a shot every time a Zamboni writer sticks to the theme.
  • If you feel part of your soul leaving your body for the Holy Land, drink some water. You probably need to sober up.
  • If death is chosen over baptism, drink the holy water. The show must go on.
  • The “Ferdinand and Isabella” clause: If premarital hookups occur, one human sacrifice must be made.
  • To use the bathroom, all players must participate in a crusade.
  • If two or more of these rules aren’t followed and/or the sacramental wine is spilled, every player shall be burned at the stake.

Have fun and stay safe, you crazy kids!