
4 Libs Who Definitely Couldn’t Fight Me

It’s been another month, and you all know what that means: time to add a few more little libs to “Jowls’ List”. All these type-B punks you see below EARNED their target – they’re gonna know that the Jowler is after ‘em! Remember to add the hashtag #JowlerProwlers when tweeting at these dweebs, along with the usual: #TasteMyGun.

4. Justin Trudeau

We’ve all known for a while here at #JowlerNation that our northern neighbors have less LOGIC and REASONING than many of us here at home. And now they’ve put another big government union suckling into office! You can’t forgive that! Folks, it’s just supply and demand – you ‘progressives’ supply us with bullshit, and we demand common sense! Don’t forget to use the hashtags #MapleSyrupWeaklings and #TrudeauLikelySterile.

3. President Obama

Folks, this is the thirty-third time Obugleplayer has made the list, but I gotta say it like I do every time: #JowlerThinksYaStink! Give it to Obiwan Kenyablowme this week with #JowlerSezThrowInTheTowler and #DontLetTheFemaleViagraComeToMarket

2. Venus

Goddess of love and beauty? Folks, get real! This tax-loving flapper formed when Cronus severed Uranus’ genitals and threw them in the sea. Then she crawled right out of the foam and onto a liberal arts campus to start #SeducingLibs. Folks, if I wanted to see men with their dicks cut off, I’d go to a Hillary Clinton rally! Remember to use #AllPagansAreShitlibs and #BringBackTheSeniorMenuAtChickFilA.

1. The House of Representatives Security Team

Well folks as you might know I compiled an EXTENSIVE, FACTCHECKED, and LOGICALLY BULLETPROOF account of how Hillary Clinton and her team planned the Benghazi attacks and used the media coverage (#LibMediaCantHandleTheJowler) to SLINGSHOT her way into the presidential race… I don’t need to reiterate this, as this is accepted as FACT by all right-minded Americans who can USE THEIR BRAINS to see through the #LibFactGestapo. I was on my way to the House to testify in the long-awaited Benghazi hearings when some delicate hipster lib put down his Starbucks and his “Netflix and Chill” long enough to detain me and prevent the FACTS from reaching the many good Americans who haven’t yet been reached by #JowlersAmerica. Until next week, use the hashtags #ShitlibsFoundJowlersConcealedCarry and #DeportFrancoisHollande