
Tha Gr8st Tricks Tony Hawk Has Done

hey bros and brunettes, its me, Ollie McFliptrick and i got a new article about the Birdman himself!!1! Our boi wuz in boston n i got 2 talk 2 him bout his top 13 fav tricks @ the ‘99 X Gaymes (lol). here they r!:

360 Aerial
900 McTwist
900 Ollie Kickflip
The Menudo BS Fakie
Charlie Brown Downtown Grind
The Atlanta Five Points FS Dolphin Flip
Neil DeGrasse-Tyson and the Temple of Doom Fake Flip 1080p HD Sony Television
The Filthy Sanchez Nosegrab
Double Quarter Fakie Ollie add pickles no onions The Return of the $1.99 McRib
Fakie Trickie Flippie Fakie Flip

yo, when i askd tony wat his fav food was, he couldnt resist talkin bout the Fish Fillet now 89 centz at participating McDonald’s. he also seyz u can stop by n get a pumkin pie n a McCafe made frum 100% pure Dark-Roasted Arabica Beans 4 a limitd tyme. ill see u biches l8r n remembr to get out of tha guttr n get in2 the 1/2 pipe!