
Muammar Gadhafi Risen from Grave, Appointed to Trump’s Cabinet

Following the events of November 8th, it appears otherworldly forces remain at work. Former “Brotherly Leader” of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Muammar Gadhafi has assumed the newly created position, Secretary of Ghostly and Grave Affairs. Some of Trump’s supporters were skeptical about the appointment of a literal communist dictator, but many pointed to his pre-Afterlife qualifications: his frequent trips to meditate in the desert, countless human rights abuses, and attempt to sleep in a tent in Central Park during his visit to New York are among just a few of his many accomplishments that make him uniquely qualified for this position.

Trump and Gadhafi’s unlikely friendship first began when Trump invited the son of an impoverished Bedouin goat-herder, who abolished the Libyan monarchy and declared it an Islamic Socialist republic, to stay in his estate in Westchester, New York when he was denied the right to camp in Central Park. Though it was believed residents’ backlash had prevented Gadhafi from taking up Trump’s offer, motivated of course by his desire to build a resort on the Libyan coast, what happened between the two actually involved a secret, complex set of mystical rituals wherein countless Westchester squirrels may have been sacrificed. The two also reportedly became blood-brothers, “just for funsies.” The exact details of the rituals that allowed Gadhafi’s spirit’s return to Earth this week remain unknown, but Trump’s advocating for an aerial campaign to take out the Libyan leader in 2011 has led experts to believe that the motivation for killing his blood brother may have been to expedite Gadhafi’s acquisition of unearthly abilities.

What we know about how his experience in the Realm of the Dead will inform his policy decisions over the next four years is still speculative at best. As the undead Pan-Africanist himself could not be reached for comment, we interviewed expert astrologist-turned-economist Jeremy Forkdigger to find out Gadhafi’s most likely policy changes.

“In my academic circles we say that Gadhafi’s rise to power in Libya is a true embodiment of the American dream: a poor man from an underprivileged minority seizing control of the country and oppressing the majority, his death and subsequent Christ-like Second Coming, or that is, the resurrection of the American dream, a parallel to Trump’s campaign slogan,” explained Forkdigger, “but our theories at this point remain speculative at best. We know that Trump is a Gemini; however, Gadhafi’s exact date of birth is unknown. The date of his rebirth into an Earthly flesh would tell us he’s a Scorpio. Resourceful and stubborn, we believe this Scorpio will be a true friend to America. We expect him to raise an undead army to enforce both Trump’s foreign and domestic policies in the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency.”

Gadhafi’s first press conference is scheduled for Christmas morning at Mount Vernon.