
BREAKING: CS Student Goes Nearly a Full Week Without Complaining Once About Time Spent in Halligan

Tufts University Junior Brian Shay reportedly complained to his friends about the amount of time he spent in Halligan for the first time that week, in what may be a department record.

According to Will Jacobs, a junior and a close friend of Shay, “It was getting kind of weird.” “Normally Brian gives everyone daily updates on how many hours he spends working in Halligan, but he hadn’t mentioned it since Monday. We were starting to wonder if he was changing majors.”

Shay said that he was so caught up in Comp 40 work, he didn’t actually have time to complain about it.

“The only thing I had time for was CS,” said Shay. “I kept compiling, but my code kept returning errors. You would not believe how long I sat there, trying to find the mistake. Like, I was in Halligan for hours. I figured I might as well move in.”

When prompted for the reason for the many hours spent in Halligan, Shay explained that it was due to a sleep-deprivation-induced error.

“It turns out I just forgot a semicolon,” Shay said.

Shay promised that despite his week-long break, he plans on keeping his friends informed on his CS work in the future.

“I really think that by emphasizing just how much work I do as a CS major, I can convince my liberal arts friends that a CS major opens doors to careers that actually make money and they’ll finally switch majors.”

Jacobs related that other daily rants by Shay included emotional cries about Chris Gregg and complaints about the language requirement.