
Mysterious Swarms of Lizards Appear Around New York Following Election

NEW YORK, NEW YORK– Only hours after the shocking victory of president-elect Donald Trump, many New Yorkers have started noticing what appear to be hordes of lizards scurrying through the streets of Manhattan. Nobody seems to know how they got here or what they want, but officials say that there is no cause for alarm.

Local scientists asked that we send this message to any concerned citizens: “As scientists, our goal is to use science to observe these lizards. After doing careful experiments, we human scientists have concluded that these are in fact Earth lizards, and not another species.”

The lizards appear to be about ten inches long, and are dark green in color. Locals have reported that the lizards tend to move in groups of several hundred. The lizards have been seen traveling southwest at 5th and E67th, and southeast from 7th and W57th, seeming to converge at Trump Tower.

NYPD chief John Smith issued the following statement: “There is nothing to be worried about, fellow humans. Please, return to your human residences and human families.”