
This Woman Took Pictures of Her Poop Every Day for Ten Years, the Results Are Incredible

Barbara Sandersonson is an Ohio housewife with an innovative vision. Every day since 2005, she has been photographing each movement she excretes, and now after 10 years she has finally compiled the images into one seminal gallery. The results are nothing short of breathtaking. Through Sandersonson’s captivating images, one gets the distinct impression of transcendence and the passage of time. Watery images with green streaked flecks pair stunningly with strong brown bars to create a captivating paradigm of the American Diet. One particularly poignant, beautiful shot shows the turd that Sandersonson left on the birthing table after the birth of her first child. Its fibrous, russet composition pairs fantastically with a placenta-gilded rubber sheet to create a moving portrait of the modern woman.
When viewing Sandersonson’s work, it’s hard not to think about the creative process and the nature of art as a whole. I am reminded of all the potential masterpieces that I myself have flushed away, entirely blind to their artistic value. The images are to the right; enjoy.